Flânerie with Xanthea Riordan
Flânerie with Auralie is an interview series that wanders on a walk (literal or imagined) and explores the current introspective thoughts and reflections with an Auralie muse.
Xanthea Riordan is an interior designer and the founder of White Sage, a digital interiors mood board. She resides in Melbourne, Australia.
What, where, when, why, and how are you wandering?
I’m wandering between a clear mind and a frantic one. One that a month ago was trying to find signs anywhere and everywhere, but can see clearly now. Continuing to practice honing my racing thoughts.
I’m wandering between slowly cleaning my apartment and returning to these questions. Update, cleaning took over. My apartment is spotless.
I’m wandering around wanting to watch an episode of my favorite show and trying to stay away from screens.
Wandering through Design Week
Xanthea wears the Marle Ardi Dress in Black
A problem you have recently encountered or solved:
The overwhelming feeling of being stuck. I wouldn’t say the situation is “solved” per se, but my attitude is validated. My friends and darling partner supported me multitudes, allowing me to overcome this by being sources of inspiration, support, and laughter.
A question you are searching for an answer to:
A significant question I was asking myself earlier in the year has been resolved in my mind and emotions. The energy this took up is so large I can’t fathom searching for an answer to any other questions I have just yet.
Something you regretted at the time that has later proven to be positive:
Accepting a job I knew wasn’t right. Instead, it allowed me to understand my position and reinforce what I thought.
A decision that influenced your life:
Deciding then and now to follow my interests and listen to myself, wherever that takes me.
Xanthea wears the Marle Ardi Dress in Black
Wandering away from bed: painting by Dom Platz
Something you are presently observing:
My body. It’s functioning and observing my mental clarity with or without certain foods. I’m listening to an audiobook, Grow a New Body by Alberto Villoldo, and finding parts to focus on the deeper I dive into the book.
I practice yoga but strayed away from it during Melbourne’s endless lockdowns. I found the mental toll of lockdown too murky and not beneficial with my yogic experiences. However, with the lockdown lifting and the festive season, I can settle and focus more on myself.
How do you describe yourself?
I’m a Pisces sun and rising with Cancer Moon. I’m trying to work on not taking things personally or being overly emotional, but the other aspects to the signs are things I identify with and find the best wat to answer this question.
A fond memory:
Riding a scooter in the rain, lost in Bali, past rice fields, with my partner on the back.
The view from Xanthea's balcony as she writes
Xanthea wears the Marle Ardi Dress in Black
Advice you would give your past self:
You’re the best. I love my past self. She was always kind and sure of herself. My past self would give my present self better advice than I can offer now. Maybe talk more, though. And also, FYI, the music you’re listening to now will be what you listen to well into your late 20s.
A quote:
“The more you think about it, the bigger it gets.” I like this in two ways. You can stop thinking about something, and it will shrink, or you can think about something, and it will grow. We have choices and power over how much space a scenario can occupy in our minds, allowing us to fulfill it or crunch it.
Who am I?
I’m more than my appearance and material possessions. I’m curious. I adore animals. I crave the beach. I’m passionate. If I’m to identify with a profession, I’m an interior designer and curator. I love to move.
What is life asking of me?
To create, to share (thoughts, interests).
The anime Ranking of Kings and those white cubes that clean marks off everything.
Xanthea's Essentials:
Essential 01
Essential 02
Essential 03
Essential 04
Essential 05